There are many reasons women love a man who loves to travel. But, there are also some common complaints about these same men! Today, we take a look at the 9 worst travel habits women hate about traveling men.
1. Looking scruffy and being poorly dressed
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Sure, you’re on holiday, it may even be a beach vacation; but that doesn’t give you the wild card to dress however way you feel appropriate. Some cultures, especially Asian, are reserved and it would help matters if you appreciate this fact and follow the dress code.
And it’s not just in Asia. Italians, for example, are conscious of their appearance and look to maintain a sophisticated aura of classiness throughout, so much so that you can expect to bump onto Versace model look-alikes in the strangest of places. Dress appropriately for the season.
Lady travelers aren’t particularly fond of scruffy guys either. You either look like a sexy mountain man or the guy in the white van asking if you want some candy.
2. Being drunk and loud
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Nobody likes a drunken loudmouth, whether at home or in foreign lands. You may be excited about the trip, or maybe the ‘newness’ or impermanence of a holiday makes you feel like you’re in fantasy land. But letting everyone know of your emotions in a loud, emphatic manner isn’t going to endear you to anyone.
In case you are wondering why everyone is looking at you next time you go screaming your head out, chances are you are shouting. And the foreign women definitely don’t like it.
3. Acting rude and having no manners
If there is one thing women hate about traveling men, it is guys who show no manners and behave rudely. This is universally acknowledged as one of the worst travel habits!
Just because you are in a different country doesn’t give you the right to be rude to the locals. You are not better than them, so be polite and treat them with respect.
4. Being disrespectful to local culture
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Speaking of being rude. One of the best things you’ll ever do in this life is visiting a new country. Acting the way the Romans act in Rome and experiencing life from their perspective is not just awesome, but refreshing too.
You want to experience a fresh culture and new place. Touch, feel, taste, observe and listen. If you can’t do that, it’s best to just stay at home. Understood?
5. Being too forward with women
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There’s a tendency amongst men, especially single guys, to treat a vacation like a hunting expedition and bed anything that walks in a skirt.
No one is denying you the chance to roll in the hay, and however tempting it can be given most of us are here today and gone tomorrow, just have a bit of class and be respectful to the local women, okay?
6. Constantly talking about how good things are back home
Home may always be best but you can quickly bore everyone by constantly talking about how good things are going back home. It’s a turn-off so please keep that to yourself before you ruin everyone else’s time. Honestly.
Appreciate the contrast between your country and the new place in silence, no one forced you to come here in the first place.
7. Getting annoyed because people don’t speak your language
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Your language may be the lingo spoken in heaven but it’s a turn-off to have a man complain every time about how locals don’t understand a word you say. In one way or another, people will find a way to help you. Just be patient and friendly.
Think of yourself in the locals’ shoes. You are walking from your house to the grocery store then someone approaches you and starts talking to you in Chinese or Swahili, neither of which you understand.
8. Wearing no shirt in a restaurant or anywhere that isn’t the beach
In the more conservative countries, some dress codes are frowned upon. Going shirtless in a public restaurant that isn’t your living room smacks of disrespect and disgusting complacency. Refer to points 1 and 4 for a refresher.
9. Not learning how to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in the local language
Learning how to say some basic words like ‘hello’, ‘thank you’ or ‘please’ or simply showing some effort is such a positive mindset – just what we need when on holiday!
Guys, steer clear of these worst travel habits and you’ll have no trouble with the ladies.
Did we miss anything? What would you add to this list of terrible travel habits to avoid, especially if you’re trying to attract women overseas?
Thank U 4 da advice ! WILL TAKE THAT ADVICE 2 HEART.