Ask most men and they’ll say they would rather if a girl cut to the chase and gave it to them straight (the ‘I like you part’ I mean). We aren’t the best at picking up female signals and given a choice, we would rather avoid the entire courtship redtape. 😉
Unfortunately, we weren’t consulted in making of these rules. If you are the ready-to-mingle kind, the ability to read these signs is an essential, a must-have. This especially holds true when you’re traveling or at social gatherings where time is not your best friend. Boys, you got 30 seconds to decipher if she’s into you, or not.
So… how can you tell?
1. The Hair Twirl
You sure have heard of it, she may know it (but probably won’t notice she’s doing it), but the hair twirl never lies. Girls just can’t help it, they do it subconsciously. When she starts twiddling with her hair or running her fingers through it like she’s brushing the mane of a horse, chances are she’s attracted to you.
2. Looking Down
A girl’s eyes are a gateway to her feelings when it comes to the mating game. Learn, internalize and don’t ever forget these three things: when you give a woman the sexy look and she instantly looks down, she can be fodder; Look to the side and you need to probe for more attraction signals from her – if present, you can approach, if not, think if it’s worth your time and effort; third, if she happens to look up when you throw her an erotic look, it’s not your day – she’s not interested.
3. The Doggie Dinner Eyes
When you look into a girl’s eyes and notice her pupils get larger (and she’s not on drugs or in a dark room), there’s a huge chance she’s into you. When we see something we desire, the pupils dilate, and the ‘anime eyes’ are another sign you should keep your eyes peeled out for. It’s unconscious, she can’t control this straight-out-of-a-fantasy-novel response.
4. The Gaze
This is obvious, but if you have never met a girl and she’s giving you that coquettish gaze that falls short of biting her lip gently (or finger), it’s your cue to start crowing (or bellowing, or howling) and pump your fists on your chest. Seriously, this is one of the more low-pressure approaches you make. Seize the opportunity to approach staring girls as often as you manly can. But first, learn to look for that look – the gaze.
5. Subtle Touches
When a woman is impressed, she will touch you often for no reason and differently at that. Her fingers will linger there an extra second, and you will feel the chemistry as oxytocin (bonding hormone) adds hot to your dish.
6. The Positioning
When you are seated next to her and she appears to close the distance between you two for no reason – whether you’re talking, she’s lost in her phone, staring at a map maybe – it’s a way of telling you ‘Yes, I like you’. You need to move in fast for the kill because unless she’s the loose kind, she won’t admit it, let alone be in this position for long.
7. Watch the Feet
This is another unconscious human response. When someone doesn’t feel comfortable in a situation, their feet will be directed towards the exit. If they are interested, their feet will be pointed towards their company.
8. Spontaneous Grooming
She won’t admit it but when you are around her and she’s preening (touching her hair, adjusting her glasses and clothes to make sure they are okay), she just wants to present the best of herself and look perfect in the eyes of her beholder. You do it too, and it’s not the stuff of movies – just simple courtship behavior. It could include frequent visits to the restroom too (by her, not you).
What signs have you noticed that are a complete give away that she likes you? We would love to hear them!