Interested in dating beautiful women from Africa? If yes, Ethiopian women should be your number one choice. Here is everything you need to know about these gorgeous women from Africa.
Ethiopian Women Characteristics
Beautiful Ethiopian women are not only gorgeous but morally upright as well. Modesty is evident in the way they dress, address people and even behave. They are also very submissive and look up to the men in their lives for support. They are very family oriented and are good homemakers. Ethiopian girls are very loyal to their marriage partners and they love being married. They are very reliable and supportive of their husbands. Even though they may appear shy they are very confident and will often speak their minds and will not shy away from offering their opinion. They are very proud of their culture and will not be embarrassed to practice it even if they live abroad.
Looks And Appearance
Calling Ethiopian ladies beautiful is an understatement. These ladies are mystifying in their appearance and are definitely among the most beautiful women on earth. They are tall with very sexy curves and appear to be a mixture of African, Indian, and maybe Arab. They have beautiful long faces, mesmerizing eyes and frizzy lively bouncing hair. They are naturally beautiful and do not even need any make up. Even though they have really beautiful bodies, they dress modestly and do not show off their curves or expose part of their bodies.
Best Features
They have intriguing faces and voluptuous bodies that are unmatched. They also have very intriguing smiles.
Popular Names
Aamina, Elda, Edom, Abeba, Makeda, Magdala
Did you know? Dining etiquette in Ethiopia is very important and all food is eaten with the hands from a communal dish. As a guest you will be required to initiate the eating.
Meet Ethiopian Women
Looking forward to dating Ethiopian ladies? Here is how to meet them.
Online Dating
There are thousands of Ethiopian ladies online. To meet them simply join a reputable African or Ethiopian dating site. Online dating is simple, affordable and convenient, you can meet women from Ethiopia from wherever you are. We recommend trying or
Travel To Ethiopia
If you would like to learn more about the Ethiopian culture you probably should consider visiting Ethiopia and interacting with the women in their home country. This could be so much fun for someone who loves to travel.
Local Ethiopian Events
If you don’t want to go to Ethiopia just yet but want to meet the girls offline, you could simply find local events that might attract Ethiopian ladies and attend them.
Dating Ethiopian Women
Interested in dating an Ethiopian woman but not quite sure what to expect? This is what these African beauties think of dating, sex and marriage.
Relationship Expectations
Most of Ethiopian ladies are looking for someone to spend their lives with. They are not interested in casual dating. Domestic violence rate is very high in Ethiopia and for this reason the young ladies simply desire to meet someone who will treat them well and with respect.
Attitude To Sex
Ethiopian ladies are very traditional when it comes to sex and majority of them maintain their chastity. They avoid engaging in sex until they get married. Be careful not to make any sexual moves that may offend her or make her feel uncomfortable because she will more likely lose interest in you.
Marrying An Ethiopian Woman
Marriage is still very important in Ethiopia. In traditional Ethiopian society, a woman’s worth is measured by her ability as a wife. Women are expected to get married, have kids and raise a family. It is therefore very important to a young woman to find a man who will marry her. They also take marriage very seriously and divorce is culturally unacceptable. A couple is expected to work together to ensure that they remain happily married and not seek divorce when the going gets tough.
Getting To Know Your Ethiopian Woman
Still intrigued by Ethiopian ladies? Now it’s time to get to know them a little better.
Family Values
Ethiopian women are generally looking for someone to settle down with and start a family. They are very family oriented and place great emphasis on children and being a good wife. Men are usually the ones in charge of all finances in the home. They are also the sole breadwinner. Women are in charge of domestic life and taking care of the kids.
Education And Work
The Ethiopian society places more emphasis on educating boys than girls. Most of the girls therefore have only the basic education levels. Most of the women also do not take up career jobs and are mainly stay at home mums who are responsible of running the home. However, a great number of the women seeking marriage partners from other regions other than Ethiopia hope that they can further their education. So don’t take it the wrong way if your Ethiopian girl asks you to take her back to school, she simply wants to get educated.
The women of Ethiopia are religiously conservative. The country is one of the oldest Christian nations and the dominant religion is Orthodox Christianity. Islam is also a significant religion in Ethiopia.
What does she do for fun? Ethiopian girls love to dance and they are always dancing in the evening after dinner. Taking her out for dancing will be a good idea for a date.
Ethiopian Women Dating Tips
Feeling ready to date an Ethiopian girl? Lets see what kind of man you need to be in order to win her heart.
Be A Gentleman
The first thing that you need to do whenever you are interacting with an Ethiopian girl is to ensure that you treat her well and show her respect. Do nice things for her such as bringing a gift to the date, pay for dinner and ensure she gets home safely after the date.
Take It Slow
Do not make her feel uncomfortable by making sexual moves on her. Remember Ethiopian girls are shy about sex and most of them prefer to wait until they are married. So be careful not to bring up sex too early into the relationship.
Understand The Culture
Learn about her culture. Every girl wants to know that you understand her. The best way to understand someone is by learning about her culture as this is what shapes most of her ideals. Also even though her culture might differ from yours do not make fun of it, it’s still her culture and she’s proud of it.
So there it is gentlemen, all you need to know about sexy Ethiopian women. Now you can confidently start meeting the girls. Good luck!
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