Lately, women from the Philippines, aka Filipinas, seem to be all the rage and they’ve got Western men flying across the planet in legions to hook up. Why all the sudden interest to date a Filipina, yet there are hordes of women back home, you may wonder?
Well, it’s come to the realization of most guys that if you want a woman to take care of your manly desires night-in, night-out, Western women fulfill that role just fine. But the bottom line is that a man has to, you know, explore every once in a while.
But what’s also come to the realization of most guys is that if you want a long-term relationship or a woman to marry, few better options exist than looking to the Pearl of the Orient Seas: these women wear their heart on the sleeve, are unquestionably faithful, and naturally hospitable, words that are increasingly becoming rare in the description of the Western woman.
But it goes deeper than that, and here are more reasons why dating Filipina women should cross every man’s mind.
Filipinas are Extremely Attractive
Women from the Philippines are naturally beautiful, are known for their exotic and oriental beauty, and like most Asian women, possess slim and petite figures.
They are nothing like the bloated kind you’ve gotten accustomed to, but rather, a welcome breath of fresh air what with their dark, smooth hair, dark eyes and naturally tanned skin they look like they’ve been on the beach all their lives. Well, they have, but the beach has nothing to do with that beautiful natural tan.
They have a Sunny Disposition
One thing that will immediately strike you when you date a Filipina is that she’s fun to be with and seems to have this sunny disposition about her, whether or not life has been kind to her. It doesn’t really matter.
It’s a trait you’ll observe in unexpected situations, and added to a certain natural daintiness makes them so unique like nothing you’ve seen.
They Make Great Wives
While the Western woman has this notion that her twenty-somethings are her time for fun and furthering her career before settling down, it’s something that cannot be said of her Filipina counterpart. In contrast, the latter holds settling down pretty close to her heart. It has been happening for generations, and a culture engraved deep down in her bone.
And not just the willingness to settle down, she has the qualities of a good wife: understanding, composed, patient, generous, loving, caring and supportive of her man. She can cook, and housework and her are one, regardless of whether she’s working. All rolled into one pretty, petite package. Keep this in mind if you date a Filipina woman.
Family is Important – Very Important
There is a certain saying in the fils that if you want to court a girl, court her mother and she’s yours. The daughter I mean.
Mother and daughter have an unbreakable bond, and her family features high on her priorities in life. They will do anything to make their family’s lives more comfortable, and are the kind that may forget about themselves because they are focused on making their husbands and children happy.
Filipinas are Faithful and Loyal
If you’re one of those insecure men, marrying a Filipina would make perfect sense. And advisable. They are not generally promiscuous, and although this doesn’t mean every unmarried woman is a virgin, they are very loyal when it comes to marriage and they place great value in the relationship.
This is a woman that will stick by you no matter what, not shoving divorce papers in your face just because you lost your job, or having secret flings.
They are Smart and Well Educated
Don’t have the misconception of a rural girl who barely set foot in class and is ready to play housewife for as long as she lives, just because she’s from the Philippines.
It might probably come as a surprise to you but Filipinas are generally well educated these days and tend to excel in fields that were once a preserve of men: computer, engineering, architecture and such. While they may – and do – compete side by side with men on the work front, they are not the typical ‘career woman’ you see in the West. Some values aren’t just lost: devotion to husband and family, for example.
Although these reasons are not exhaustive, now you have an idea why so many men want to date a Filipina. It’s not the stuff of fantasy, as those who’ve had the experience will gladly tell you. Go ahead, give it a try. After all, YOLO.
Has dating a Filipina girl ever crossed your mind?